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Meeting new people made easy!

Franka, 32, is now using Meet5.
Let's see what she says about her first date.
Franka was in a relationship for 4 years, she feels a bit "rusty" about dating. We help her with finding new friends and maybe even a new partner.
About my first Meet5 date after a relationship
Currently I am in a new stage in my life. After four years in a very beautiful - with ups and downs relationship - we decided to finalize our story together. We realized that we were limiting ourselves, and particularly I was limiting myself in order to make him happy.
By always doing the same things and meeting the same people, repetition and lack of creativity made their part into bringing our relationship to an end. I started having this feeling of wanting something more - something new-, but I could not find a way to achieve that, nor when or with whom. Networking events were too professional and just going out on a single date made me feel nervous all the time, as well as having been “out of the market” for so long made me lose my confidence.
Meeting new faces in the city
I read an article in Cosmopolitan magazine about Meet5 and I found out that the easiness of the process and the chance of meeting new faces in the city (with common interests and also different backgrounds) made meeting someone totally out of my bubble kind of exiting 😉 .
Meet5 works like this: After downloading the app , you can create a profile with pictures and 3 words that describe you (I chose fitness, smile, and passionate). Then you can select your location and you are ready to create a date (with 4 or 6 people). You can also decide the title of the date, choose a suitable time, location and invite others ... voila😊
My first favorite user was Tom, he had a pretty smile and he seemed easygoing in his pictures. He is a mechanic engineer. In his free time, he likes to play the piano, to read, and to travel and he describes himself as an amateur Instagramer (1,300 followers). Lina, who also joined our fun night out was new in the city and used the app as a relaxed way to meet more people, and also because she likes to have a nice conversation with different people.
It's a good way to start my search for true love.
Paul, who also had his third group date with Meet5 that week, was very interesting. We shared some thoughts about the app, the cool features and then we decided to walk together to see the couple that joined us, Mathias and Felicia.
At the beginning I found it special to go out on a date like this, but as they noticed, they explained to us why they enjoy the experience so much, the company, meeting new people and make friends in the city.
I like how open and interesting people can be with a friendly conversation. And also, how I felt afterwards. My endorphin levels and the feeling of being alive embraced me and made me feel just ... happy. It's a good way to start my search for true love.